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Environmental Projects:
helping restore and create
sustainable, healthy living spaces

The opening of the Soviet Union has provided access to some of the world’s most serious environmental problems.  SHARE and its partners have received international recognition for our work on the impact of lead poisoning on children in Kazakhstan.  For more than 10 years, we have been providing compassionate training and state of the art testing and analysis to help governments deal with the legacy of the Soviet contamination.

In 2010, SHARE created a special International Task Force for Children’s Environmetnal Health  to draw the global community into helping solve post-Soviet environmental problems that especially threaten the well being of children.  More information about this aspect of SHARE’s work can be found at:

SHARE personnel continue to provide on the ground support of local clean-up and education efforts through training, building of clean playgrounds, seminars for medical and environmental professionals, as well as soil, air and water sampling.
As countries, their people and societies evolve, their needs and desires develop as well.  SHARE International has sought to grow with the people we serve and partner with.  Early on, our projects focused primarily on social needs, progressing toward an emphasis on educational projects. As our relationships have continued to mature, we concentrated on professional exchanges and technological development.

Our passion has been to serve where we can make the most difference, so our projects always reflect input we receive from local partners. So while the distribution of our work has evolved, we continue to serve in all of the spheres mentioned here.
Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan
Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan
Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan
Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan Lead poisoning project in Kazakhstan
Air pollution in Almaty
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* Tax deductible